Jelly Gamat Gold G is herbal medicine. It is important for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Jelly Gamat Gold G that makes from Golden Stichopus Variegatus and made by the professional and by modern technology. Jelly Gamat Gold G is herbal medicine that has no side effect and has preventive function for illness. Jelly Gamat Gold G has form in viscous fluid. It is a recommended medicine for you especially for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Jelly Gamat Gold G is herbal medicine that has no chemical content in it, and it is safe to consume for daily life.
Jelly Gamat Gold G is made from sea cucumber that has 86, 6 percent protein, 80 percent collagen, mineral, mukopolisakarida, glucasaninoglycans, natural antiseptic, chondroitin, amino acid, omega 3, 6, and 9. Those compositions have lots of benefit for your health, which can be used for illness prevention.
There are lots of researches for sea cucumber. Sea cucumber has lots of benefits, like good for blood circulation, good for kidney circulation, increase metabolism, cure the pain in joint, wound antiseptic, diabetic, hypertension, prevent cholesterol, digestion disorder, respiration disorder, anemia, and heartache.
From research in laboratory it reveals that sea cucumber has cell growth factor, sea cucumber can make cell regeneration. The cell regeneration is regeneration of cell that die or even rotten. Sea cucumber can make the new cell and becomes normal again. For diabetic wound, that start to rotten and have to amputated the sea cucumber can make it back to normal again. It shows that the sea cucumber work fast to cure the wound. According to Dr.Ir Ahkam Subroto,M.App Sc from LIPI said that in sea cucumber there is a high protein that can be very good for diabetic patient. The sea cucumber will produce and increase insulin from beta pancreas.
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